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Who is CoachAlainnee?

After 12 years as a gymnast I was injured and forced to retire from the sport that I loved. I was then lucky enough to be asked to become a coach at the club I grew up in and that's where Coach Alainne was born. For the next 11 years I worked as a coach and in late 2021 I made the decision to walk away from the club I'd called home for 22 years after a regular lack of support from the leadership within my club.  In 2020 during one of the many lockdowns I (like many others) discovered digital drawing and fell in love with a new way of being creative. After leaving the club I had called home for my entire life I was lost and that's where CoachAlainnee Designs began. I began creating digital portraits of some of my favourite gymnasts and since then it's grown into something I am so passionate about and my art has branched out from just the sport of gymnastics and now includes a range of products from all of my favourite things.

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